The Legend Continues
Dedicated to all the Modern American Cowboys, Gamblers, Drifters, Outlaws and Wannabees
Living the American Dream in The Wild, Wild West!
Old West Collectables
Collect one or all of these fine Wild West Collectors Items
Click on Images for more information and Prices.
John Wayne Collection
Civil War + Western Collection
Wild West Collection
Range Rider
Cow Boy Legend
The Alamo
Western Commemorative 45
Commemorative Rifle
U.S. Grant Presentation Sword
Gatling Gun
Commemorative Tankard
Ultimate Bowie Knife
Wells Fargo Overland Stage
Remington's Bronco Buster
Holdup! (Pewter)
Wyatt Earp .44 Revolver
General Custer Revolver
Aces and Eights Poker
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